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Friday, January 4, 2013

Where the GOP Dropped the Ball

This is the problem with the message of opportunity that the GOP used this election cycle.

Self confidence! The people that voted for this administration are looking for a safety net. (see the life of Julia) They like the idea that if they fail there will be a government program that will save them and with the high unemployment they "expect" some day they will be out of work and need help.

The doom and gloom message offered by this President and the media fuels this defeatism. There can be all the opportunity in the world but if you are told the countries best days are behind us and the only sure thing is a government program, that is what you will support.

Some of us started with very little, I can remember living on Cheerios, beans and rice but faith that in this the greatest nation on earth we could suceed was never lost. Times were tough but we had the drive and ambition to suck it up and believe we could make it. We weren't fed a constant negative message about you can't increase your station in life or somehow if you're successful you caused the woes of the world and got there on the backs of the less fortunate.

We need to expose the lies of the left regarding these points and show that this is the party with faith in the people, faith in the country and this is the big one "we are the middle class" not the elites. We need to back off on entitlements and focus on cutting ineffective government departments and programs. Once we are back in control we can optimize the entitlements.

Just what percent of the republican party is wealthy? Not as high a percent as in the Democrat party I am sure. Another good message to take to the streets.

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