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Monday, January 21, 2013

Republicans are Racist?

How is it that some one can call an entire political movement racist and not be accused of prejudice?

How is it that the Republicans are called racist and they were the party that released the slaves, fought for equal rights in the 60s, ended segregation, ran the underground railroad during the civil war and fought against the DemKKKrats tooth and nail so blacks could vote? (against them)

How is it that my wife and I are racist when her family fought on the Union side and worked within the underground railroad to save the lives of countless Negros (that's what they called them back then) and my family was in Italy?

How is it that only white people are held accountable for slavery? Slavery existed long before America did!! We didn't invent it.

Racism was almost dead until this administration revived it. Proof is we have a mixed race president!

I am so very tired of ignorance.

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