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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The entitlement class has won again. You cannot change the fact that people would rather have free stuff than self respect. There used to be a stigma attached to free loaders and due to the political correctness it is gone. It is now possible to live your entire life on the government dole and never work a day of your life. Hey and it is a pretty good life. We have elevated the standard of living for the welfare class to an acceptable living standard out of fairness. Add to that free cell phones and free breakfast and lunch for your kids at school, what’s left? Free healthcare and that is now available.

It is now perfectly acceptable to be a drain on society. You cannot be looked down upon for not being self sufficient. You are demonized for being successful. You are a racist, homophobe, evil and the list goes on and on because you have chosen to embrace the American Dream. If you produce you are making your living on the backs of the poor and less fortunate. You are stealing the good life from the rest of the world. You are successful only because you have stolen what you have from me. You must be punished and I must have my “revenge”. This is the mentality we are up against and you can thank the democrat party, educational indoctrination and the media.

So as a producing nation we are finished! We will now assume our fate as did the European nations and fail as a country. When everything you need to survive is free then why should anyone work? Say hello to an electorate of entitlement that out numbers the producers. You can’t fix lazy and you can’t fix stupid. Don’t forget that no matter how bad it gets, it is all Bush’s fault!

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