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Monday, January 21, 2013

Republicans are Racist?

How is it that some one can call an entire political movement racist and not be accused of prejudice?

How is it that the Republicans are called racist and they were the party that released the slaves, fought for equal rights in the 60s, ended segregation, ran the underground railroad during the civil war and fought against the DemKKKrats tooth and nail so blacks could vote? (against them)

How is it that my wife and I are racist when her family fought on the Union side and worked within the underground railroad to save the lives of countless Negros (that's what they called them back then) and my family was in Italy?

How is it that only white people are held accountable for slavery? Slavery existed long before America did!! We didn't invent it.

Racism was almost dead until this administration revived it. Proof is we have a mixed race president!

I am so very tired of ignorance.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Where the GOP Dropped the Ball

This is the problem with the message of opportunity that the GOP used this election cycle.

Self confidence! The people that voted for this administration are looking for a safety net. (see the life of Julia) They like the idea that if they fail there will be a government program that will save them and with the high unemployment they "expect" some day they will be out of work and need help.

The doom and gloom message offered by this President and the media fuels this defeatism. There can be all the opportunity in the world but if you are told the countries best days are behind us and the only sure thing is a government program, that is what you will support.

Some of us started with very little, I can remember living on Cheerios, beans and rice but faith that in this the greatest nation on earth we could suceed was never lost. Times were tough but we had the drive and ambition to suck it up and believe we could make it. We weren't fed a constant negative message about you can't increase your station in life or somehow if you're successful you caused the woes of the world and got there on the backs of the less fortunate.

We need to expose the lies of the left regarding these points and show that this is the party with faith in the people, faith in the country and this is the big one "we are the middle class" not the elites. We need to back off on entitlements and focus on cutting ineffective government departments and programs. Once we are back in control we can optimize the entitlements.

Just what percent of the republican party is wealthy? Not as high a percent as in the Democrat party I am sure. Another good message to take to the streets.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The entitlement class has won again. You cannot change the fact that people would rather have free stuff than self respect. There used to be a stigma attached to free loaders and due to the political correctness it is gone. It is now possible to live your entire life on the government dole and never work a day of your life. Hey and it is a pretty good life. We have elevated the standard of living for the welfare class to an acceptable living standard out of fairness. Add to that free cell phones and free breakfast and lunch for your kids at school, what’s left? Free healthcare and that is now available.

It is now perfectly acceptable to be a drain on society. You cannot be looked down upon for not being self sufficient. You are demonized for being successful. You are a racist, homophobe, evil and the list goes on and on because you have chosen to embrace the American Dream. If you produce you are making your living on the backs of the poor and less fortunate. You are stealing the good life from the rest of the world. You are successful only because you have stolen what you have from me. You must be punished and I must have my “revenge”. This is the mentality we are up against and you can thank the democrat party, educational indoctrination and the media.

So as a producing nation we are finished! We will now assume our fate as did the European nations and fail as a country. When everything you need to survive is free then why should anyone work? Say hello to an electorate of entitlement that out numbers the producers. You can’t fix lazy and you can’t fix stupid. Don’t forget that no matter how bad it gets, it is all Bush’s fault!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Let me begin with obama’s choice of words. While he does go on after the statement above he actually mentions “the prophet of Islam” first and the rest is just appeasement to the rest of us. We will get back to that later. Like it or not this IS a Christian nation with Christian values. So let’s start there. You say “Republicans want to hand down laws based on Christian beliefs”. I ask you what laws? Can you give me any examples of any law in recent history based on this premise? I always hear this “liberal talking point” but it seems to me the “liberals” are the ones handing down the laws restricting what we can eat, where we can practice our faith, what we can display, what we can participate in, in public, etc. I know you want to live your life the way you want and don’t want to feel guilty so in your world there is no god. However think about a world based on our baser instincts and no moral compass. Whether you believe in god or do not. What would that world look like? It is not a world I would want to live in or raise children in!

Yes the world sees us as a Christian nation and we are it’s on our money and our monuments and most of our state constitutions. It is also in our Declaration of Independence. “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”

I do acknowledge a lot of what you said and in your flawed version of reality it does make sense. There is no such thing as appeasing the Muslims. Appeasement makes us look weak. Douglas McArthur warned us over 60 years ago about what happens when you appease other countries and that is exactly what is happening now in the Middle East. They are killing our people and destroying our embassies. They are emboldened by this administration lying, turning a blind eye and appeasement. The reality is they want us dead. They would cut of all our heads if they could. An atheist is just another infidel to them so you are on this list as well. I agree that there is nothing we can do about it but ignoring it will end with a bright flash of light and California will be the second one after Israel. Remember Israel? You know the little country this administration has turn their back on! The Muslims believe that as long as “one” Jew is still alive then they cannot have their “judgment day” and there are quite a few Jews n Hollywood.
Isolationism is not the answer while I agree with you  it is time for us to stop sending money to those who hate us and we should ASAP get our people out of the Middle East. War is coming and it isn’t gonna be pretty. Iran has nuclear capabilities now and has perfected their ICBMs so it is a matter of time before they strike. Israel will not let that happen and will nuke them. We will be dragged in and it will become a “Holy War” not because of us because they want us dead! This president has assisted in the infiltration of the upper echelons of our government by Muslims and the Muslim Brotherhood. Valerie Jarrett (Senior White House advisor) was born in IRAN!

Next up you said “Definitely don't agree with your statement about Obama not loving this country” obama hates this country. Read his books. He is an anti colonialist and communist. In his mind the “Colonialist” are responsible for everything that is wrong in the world. He talks about that in ‘Dreams from my father”. Notice it is not dreams of my father. Huge difference. His father fought against the colonialists and blamed them and so does obama. What was one of the first things he did when he took office? He sent the bust of Winston Churchill back to England. Why? Churchill ran the colonial offices back in the day. He is not happy to ruin our country he want to punish it and all of us in the process. Just look at what he has done to our debt. By first creating as many people as possible dependent on the government and then bankrupting this country it will fall into revolution. Followed by third world status. He has risen to power to destroy this nation and ultimately lead the United Nations to throw salt on the wounds. This man has been groomed by the best of the best (Fascists and Marxists). Do some research Man! You will see the truth.

While I also agree that most politicians are all the same it has come down to one thing at this point. Who can turn this around. As it stands today each and every person in this country’s share of the debt is right around $45,000. If obama care is not removed we will add another $2,000 to that figure in the next 4 years. If we don’t balance the budget and start paying it down in another 10 years we won’t be able to pay the interest on the debt. At that point we go belly up. No one will lend us any money and all the “entitled” will go without check/money. The proverbial shit will hit the fan. Revolution and rioting and death and destruction will ensue. That is where we are headed and that is what must be stopped. You want to see our future look at Ireland, Greece, Portugal, UK, Spain, Italy, etc. Romney and especially Ryan are uniquely qualified to fix this. Romney is a business man and a self made millionaire. Ryan is a career politician and a accounting wizard. They can balance the budget and fix the unemployment problem over the next 4 years. If obama wins it will be more entitlements, no balanced budget, hell we haven’t had a budget in 3 years. A budget means we are at least trying to work within our means. This is why the country’s credit rating was downgraded not because “liberal talking point” of the “do nothing congress. As the tipping point races toward us we can either change how we are running this or do more of the same.

Just because the liberals hate God is no reason to allow this to go on, be blind to the truth and destroy this nation. The media and the left want the people to be taken care of and think that is up to the government to make that happen. No matter the  cost. What part of “there is no more money” don’t they understand. They free their guilt by pushing for a utopian view of the world where the powers that be take care of the less fortunate so they don’t have to. Evident by this president’s and Candidate’s tax information. Let’s look at obama v Romney. Last year obama gave about 7% in charity and paid 21% in taxes. Total 28%. Romney only paid 17% in taxes but gave 30% to charity. Total 47% Now based on that information what do we know. Well obama feels the government should have the lion share of his money. Romney believes that the needy should. Romney gave more to charity then everything obama parted with. Now you may be saying well Romney is a “religious” man and he probably gave it to0 the church. Well any Christian will tell you that the church only ask for 10%. So Romney gave 3 times that. Romney believes in helping people and obama believes in having the government do that. What do you think happened before the government got involve in redistribution? The people and the churches took care of the needy. That worked for thousands of years.

Why does the media go along with this? Since the 60s the liberal elite  have been working to control the media, schools, government and ultimately the people. These people want to have a communistic world where there are the “elites” (them and celebrities) and everyone else equal. Not equal rights or opportunities but equal outcome. A class of citizenry to work so they can play. Again just look at all the vacations and traveling and parties during this administration. Hangin’ with the elites and traveling the world on our dime. The fox definitely has the keys to the hen house and is chowing down. This is what they want. They are royalty and we are peasants. We work they play! Now I will admit that the original purpose for the liberals wanting to take over the media wasn’t this but once they got a taste of the power they were hooked. The saying goes “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. The scandal with the secret service is just another indicator as behavior reflects leadership and why should the prez and all his friends have all the fun?


Thursday, August 30, 2012

This is the liberal media as I see it:

It's all smoke and mirrors to keep the American people from examining this administrations record. The media hits the hot buttons for the liberals and lie about what the Republicans are up to and the only one I have seen call them on it is Newt.
We all need to call them out each and every time they lie. We need to ignore the inflammatory statements made by the media as Marco Rubio did the other night at the RNC when they tried to bring up Todd Akin.
Stick to the record and reply with "that is not what this election is about" There are no attacks on women's reproductive rights, or Roe v Wade. Romney and Ryan are not taking away Grandma's healthcare they are saving it. They are not out of touch. They are not trying to hold a brother/sister down! Disagreeing with a Marxist/Fascist administration does not make them racists. That would be the democrats!
It's the economy stupid. When we are living in third world country conditions because of this administration, who will have time to worry about all of this superfluous nonsense. OK maybe not completely superfluous but definately on the back burner. This election is about saving this great nation from those who wish us harm. Many have fought and too many have died to let this administration punish this country for being extraordinary.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Heath Expenses

 There is an estimated 20 million that will lose their employer based health care. It is costing 10s of billions of dollars more than originally forcast and private insurance has sky rocketed since its inception. I myself paid $5000 dollars more last year because of the provisions and uncertainty associated with "obamacare". Everything the government touch become incredibly more expensive. Remember the $200 hammers and the $300 toilet seats/ That is what will happen the out health care. It will cost the taxpayers billions of dollars and why. Because 15 million people choose not to have or were too lazy to get off their @$$ to register their children for CHIPS. There is no health care crisis. Everyone is covered by laws passed decades ago. Health care is free if you don't have the money and if you choose not to have insurance you can go to any county hospital and get it there. Sure you will have to wait in line but if you have more time than money what's the problem.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Obama v Constitution

President Obama has sworn an oath to preserve, protect and defend the US Constitution. As I see it, He has broken his oath of office by completely ignoring several provisions to this great document and established protocol. Obama Care is unconstitutional as it requires Americans to purchase health care. The Supreme Court will rule on this issue and most likely find as I stated above. Recess appointments have been used before by other Presidents when the senate was out of session and the appointment just could not wait for the next session. Obama actually made such appointments while senate was in session thus thumbing his nose at the Constitution again.
Libya is yet another example of the President overstepping his authority and using military force without congressional approval. The latest exhibition of his contempt for this country and our Constitution is the unrest in Syria. He we would invade this sovereign nation if we got international permission and would not necessarily get approval from congress yet again. We won’t even get into the use of the US Marines to police certain African nations.
These are impeachable offences if we in fact had a congress for the people. You can only wonder as to why congress let’s Obama get away with these breaches. I imagine it could be as simple as “Well if he can do it then next time the Republicans have the presidency they can do the same”. That however cuts both ways if you think about it. The Democrats have to know that what’s good for the goose is also good for the gander. So why would they allow this knowing the opposition will have all the power in such a case? Why would the President take such a chance? Could it be he has no intention of ever giving up his position? Does he think he will be the last POTUS?
This is what worries me when you look at his policies. It seems that every one of them is the exact opposite of what any rational person would do given the same circumstances. Every one of them is producing undesirable effects.  Unemployment is sky high and there are record numbers of people in the US requiring government assistance. Energy prices have sky rocketed with gasoline prices at almost three times what they were when he took office. Heath care costs have blown up as a result of Obama Care. Housing foreclosures are through the roof, of course we can’t blame all of that on him but where is the policy to correct it? Everything is counterintuitive. Trillions of dollars have been added to the debt with nothing to show for it. His attacks on the states know no bounds. His justice department is attacking several states for laws that they deem “sexist” or “racist” including the latest attacks on Texas regarding funding of abortions through Planned Parenthood and voter ID requirements not to mention his attacks on the Religious by forcing insurance companies to provide contraception which is also unconstitutional. It is as if he is daring Texas to secede from the Union so he can declare Marshall Law and cancel the election, thereby becoming the last POTUS or the first Dictator of the US.
If this is the case, everything I mentioned above makes sense. No one in congress will oppose him or they may not have a job once he is dictator. The media would become the propaganda arm of the government. Yea, like that hasn’t already happened. Everyone would be beholden to the government and eating government cheese. Obama would be in charge of everything. I think he wants to be a dictator just like his best friend Hugo Chavez. For those of you who don’t remember, Obama expressed interest in improving relations with Venezuela in his campaign for presidency. Obama is so narcissistic, he actually believes he is the smartest person on the face of the earth and that America is scourge on the planet and that is why he is constantly apologizing to other countries. You can’t help but to think, what the heck is he up to?