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Friday, February 18, 2011

Lets talk about the last 8 years.

 That seems to be the basis for all the blame Bush Rhetoric.
A strong case can be made that the responsibility belongs on the Bush administration and also the Obama administration. The real problems started when the media began brainwashing the people and leading them down the path we are on now.
Let’s look at the facts when the democrats took over both houses in 2006. They first of all only got control because of the anti-Bush campaign the media blitzed the people with. Anyway unemployment was **4.6%. As a student of economics I was told that 5% was optimum employment. Anything less than that meant we were employing the unemployable. That was 2006/2007. All economic indicators pointed to the best economy in over 50 years. “”New construction total expenditures 1,152.4 billion dollars and today it is 506.4 billion dollars. **Dow Jones Industrial 2007, 13,169.98 and today 10,212.39
That is when the media decided that if they could get both houses by telling lies, then what about ...I don't know the Presidency? They could surely convince the people the economy is faltering and get their guy in the White house. I have read news articles, written then, that prove the media was lying. Article after article stating that the economy is in trouble and it is all Bush’s fault. The Congressional Counsel of Economic Advisers reports tell a completely different story. These are the reports prepared for the Congressional Joint Economic Committee and that is where I got these numbers.
Fast forward a year. To the end of 2007, more doom and gloom from the media and unemployment is still **4.6%. Still the media is pounding the R word and possibly the D word. People begin to believe what they are hearing. They continue to tighten the purse strings and jobs continue to go away.
Oh yes, they get their guy elected using the Democrat’s typical mantra "hope and change" because it was so bad under Bush. In 2008 unemployment is right at **5.8%.
When the media finally figure out things are getting out of control. The housing market is continuing to slow down and the housing bubble bursts. The banking and automotive industries crash, so the media decides to start talking about recovery. Too late the people aren't buying it and it continues to get worse.
People have for many years been investing in property they simply can't afford. Investors figured they would turn over their holdings and make baskets of money. So with everyone over invested and the market comes to a screeching halt, prices drop and many people lose their homes and investments. Why you ask, Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae have been giving loans to people who weren't qualified. Mostly because the liberals said it wasn't fair that some people (hard working) could have homes and others can't.
It is the pursuit of happiness not happiness that is constitutional and fairness is not guaranteed.
So the people believe we are in a recession and hear people are losing their houses, banks are failing. They clamp down even harder on their wallets. Fast forward again to now. People are still not spending money because of the above and because they don't know how much Obama Care and allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2 years is going to cost them and of course now we are at just under 10% overall unemployment with areas such as CA well over 30% and by the way if you are **African American male your unemployment overall went from 8.9% in 2006 to 16.3% under Obama, so if you voted for him, I hope you got the change you wanted. I don’t mention that because I am a racist, I mention it because approximately 95% of African Americans voted for Obama.
Anyway the numbers don't lie. Our president, congress (both parties) and most of all the media are the liars. We had the best economy in decades in 2006, the media brainwashed the public and lies got out of hand and now even the media can't stop the juggernaut. I guess even the media didn't know how much power they had.
**The Congressional Counsel of Economic Advisers Reports. (2006 - 2010)

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